
The workshops that our school launches on Fridays from 12:00 h. to 14.00 h. are playful activities where a program of innovative activities that enhance personal and social development of our students is performed.

The goal we pursue is the observation, imagination, creativity, concentration, attention, memory, entrepreneurship, psychomotor and social relationships development in an atmosphere of experimentation.

Here we detail the workshops that we are going to offer during the 2024/25 school year:

Pre-School Education

Talleres: Live the music

"Inhale- exhale”

The dynamics and games based on yoga and mindfulness help us develop a set of essential skill for life: concentration, manage emotions, movement and empathy

Talleres: Mr. Experiments

"Green patrol"

This workshop aims to awaken interest in nature and environment, understanding the world around us throug surprising and entertaining experiential activities.

Talleres: Storytelling

"Art &Creativity"

This workshop aims to promote expressive and creative ability through different elements and artistic techniques, developing the students´ imagination and love of art.

Primary School - 1st Cycle

Talleres: Learn a sport

Let's cook together!

The aim we pursue is to bring children closer to the sensations that cooking produces: the pleasure of eating, the discovery of different flavors and smells. We want them to recognize food, to have criteria and, therefore, we take the first step to take care of their diet, to make it varied and healthy for their organism. On the other hand, we want to develop in the students respect, cleanliness, order, collaboration and responsibility; to encourage the development of their autonomy, their freedom and their power of decision and intervention to contribute to their development as a person. Hands up! Let's cook!

Talleres: te cuento un cuento

In the mood for art

Artistic creation helps us reveal and channel our emotions. Through our artistic manifestations we show who we are to others. Art helps us develop our creativity, fostering new neural connections. In this workshop we will develop our collective creativity through art. We will design and produce individual and collective artistic creations, cooperating in an environment that is respectful with ourselves and with other people. This space will bring us closer to the work of different artists from around the world. Ready, Set, Go! Our hands and minds begin to create!

Talleres: Playful creative workshop

We are what we read!

Reading encouragement has always been one of our main goals in the first cycle. Dynamics such as reading circles, Rodari crazy stories, dramatization exercises or workshops to create tales and comics have helped us foster interest in reading; which we know ends up having so many positive effects on our students; to develop both, personally and their competences. It is a great opportunity to influence the emotional dimension of our learners through readings that contribute to the discovery, identification and management of diverse emotions. In this workshop we will try to promote a love of reading, the pleasure of discovering new stories, the value of interpreting them and the opportunity to reflect and learn with them. Thanks to the school library, we will be able to see first-hand a great source of literary resources, which will undoubtedly enrich the reading process of our pupils.

Primary School - 2nd Cycle

Talleres: Emotional games and dynamics

Creative Recycling Workshop: A World for Everyone

In response to the need to address a global problem like environmental pollution, this proposal emerges to improve the appearance of the environment by reusing recycled materials to create art from them. The purpose of this workshop is to learn how to reuse all kinds of materials autonomously and creatively. Additionally, students need to become familiar with the resources and techniques necessary to create objects from waste materials, using their imagination and skills. It is important to raise awareness about the power each person has to reuse any obsolete material they have at home to create all kinds of objects, reminding them that not everything is trash.

Talleres: Journalism

Great motor games

GREAT MOTOR GAMES are of great importance in the healthy growth of the student, and are also a key factor for comprehensive development. It is a source of fun, transformation, teamwork, respect, responsibility, confidence in possibilities and tolerance. On the other hand, the dynamics based on ACTIVE MINDFULNESS help us develop a set of essential skills for life: concentration, the ability to calm down, become aware, manage emotions, redefine situations and cultivate empathy, among others. That is, it promotes the ability to pay attention and, at the same time, allows us to develop awareness of what is happening at a given moment, in our own body, with our own emotions, thoughts and other people. The fusion of these two contents gives rise to the proposal JUST MOVE!

Talleres: Computer

The adventure of reading

In this workshop we aim to dynamise the library through a series of activities. We try to introduce students, in an attractive and playful way, to the wonderful world of books through visits to the "Emilio Prados" Municipal Library. We try to create with our students a magical space where fantasy becomes the essence of the workshop. We want to present it as a place of fun and discovery, so that going to the municipal and school library becomes a routine and another leisure activity in their lives. If we succeed in creating enjoyment of reading, by visiting the library to play with words, stories and images, we will have succeeded in creating high quality future readers.

Primary School - 3rd Cycle

Talleres: EME Proyect

INNICIA Program: We undertake at school

“Emprender en Mi Escuela” (EME) (Entrepreneurship in My School) is an educational program developed by Andalucía Emprende, Andalusian Public Foundation and the Andalusian Association of Schools of Social Economy (ACES), designed to promote entrepreneurial culture among students of Primary Education (5th and 6th grade). The goal we pursue is to enhance the personal and professional younger skills through training in entrepreneurship, connecting the school to the world of business and enabling this group the opportunity to create their own manufacturing cooperatives and selling their products in the real market.


Platero's 45th Anniversary

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a private school funded by the Ministry of Education in the regional government of Andalucía (Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía), that backs  a quality education underpinned by values training, knowledge education, innovation and new technologies.

Our educational model shows our intention to train people able to develop their social and occupational aspirations with a solid basis and a deep human sense.

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