Guidance Department
Welcome to the Guidance Department at Platero Green School. The information is structured as follows:
Specific Needs of Educational Support
At our school one of the basic needs is that of fixing pedagogically to the different capabilities, needs and interests that our students will show through the different stages. This need turns into a responsibility which as professionals in education we must assume with the commitment of educating everyone and not only some of them. Educational guidance will be completely linked to the tutoring action. This is a joint action which is carried out in a completely coordinated way, delimiting only functions but with a common aim: the integral development of students.
In this way our working plan will be coordinated all together taking into account:
- To promote that all students are included at school, both at a social and personal level, as well as at an academic level.
- To respect the individual rhythm of each child.
- To increase the social and affective development of students.
- To balance any types of inequalities, so that students participate in the activities of their classmates group with the same opportunities.
- To remove stereotypes which due to sex continue in the whole pedagogical material.
- To educate in values according to the general objectives at school.
All this work will be carried out in group, in a coordinated way between families and teacher tutor, teachers of the school subjects, specialized teachers in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language, as well as the guidance counsellor of the Department.
In a general way:
- To promote that the students with specific needs of educational support are integrated, from now on “students with Special Learning Needs (SLN)”.
- To report and guide teachers, specialized teachers and tutors so that they can pay attention to those students with SLN into their class groups efficiently.
- To collaborate with teachers to develop the curriculum modifications for those students highly gifted and talented (from now on students “HGT”).
- To collaborate with the teachers tutors in their acts with families connected to the teaching – learning process in those students with SLN.
Guidance Counsellor:
- Detecting and diagnosing the SLN, by means of a psycho – pedagogical evaluation.
- Advising families by means of the tutor and in an individual and specific way, if necessary.
- Collaborating and following of specific strategies set up by the tutor.
- Following of those students with HGT.
TP Teachers (Therapeutic Pedagogy Teachers):
- Direct support to those students with Special Learning Needs (from now on “SLN”), whenever it is possible inside the classroom group and outside if it is necessary.
- To develop and follow the previous information of each student, the significant curriculum modifications, the Annual Planning, individual methodologies and final individual reports collaborating with teachers that work with them.
- To choose the material which each student will need throughout the school year.
- To collaborate with the guidance counsellor in detecting and psycho – pedagogical assessment of those students with SLN.
Hearing and Language Teachers (HL techaers):
- Direct support to those students with SLN who need it inside the classroom group, if it is possible or outside if it is necessary.
- Designing and developing modified materials.
- To develop and follow the previous information of each student, the significant curriculum modifications, the Annual Planning, individual methodologies and final individual reports collaborating with teachers that work with them.
- To collaborate with the guidance counsellor in detecting and psycho – pedagogical assessment of those students with SLN.
- Detection and assessment of our students who may show language difficulties.
The aims that we are going to follow throughout the school year are as follows:
- To develop personal autonomy in students to increase security and self – confidence.
- To develop their personality and social skills through the acquirement of a positive communication, respecting the social rules.
- To develop their cognitive abilities to make it easier learning situations.
- To increase the development of the language and speaking and non – speaking communication.
- To know the world around them by means of watching and touching, making it easier psychomotor development.
- To get a coherent view of the geographical and social cultural reality in which they live.
- To develop their mathematical reasoning through the organization of mental structure and making basic concepts.
- To develop imagination and expressive abilities.
- To increase their responsibilities while making decision.
- To increase the integration of students in their physical and social environment.
First Term
During the first month of the school year we will focus our work on our knowledge and assessment of the students features to make it easier that they are adapted to school setting if it is the first time they participate of an education based on increasing all of the students coexistence in order to develop their skills.
In this way we will be concern with revising those contents developed the previous school year and organizing and setting up an educational answer for this year.
Second and Third Term
Our main aim will be to increase interest and motivation of students and therefore to increase the teaching – learning process, as well as developing and increasing that the students take part by means of an active participation in the subjects which are part of the cycle and connected to the suggested development objectives.
Throughout the school year the teacher tutor will act coordinated with the TP and HL teachers as well as with the guidance counselor of the Department, planning the activities all together.
It will be necessary to keep in touch with the families of the students from time to time and it is recommended a meeting once a term.
The methodology we are going to follow will pay attention to individualization and socialization principles.
According to the individualization principal it will be carried out paying attention at any time to the particular features of each child.
We assume that development is different in each child, the methodology and school resources must be flexible and fixed to the gradual development of the students and their personal features, respecting the working rhythm of each student.
Regarding the socialization principle we try that the students participate in the environment in which they are living with the aim of internalizing school rules and coexistence principles. We will help to get socialization increasing both activities which help them to be in contact with others as well as working through workshops, out of school activities carrying out amusing projects, etc.
Teaching will be given in an active way to strengthen the role of the student as an agent of its own learning process since they have to experience and manage the result of its own activity.
It will be carried out a term monitoring of the development of the planning and methodology designed for each student which will be the bases for:
- To design new Significant Curriculum Modifications if it is necessary.
- To revise and work again on Significant Curriculum Modifications which are being followed.
We will pay attention to those students with SLN inside the class group. When this attention demands different times or places it will be done outside their classroom, this won’t be assumed as if they were discriminated or excluded. So it will be the TP teacher the one who will come into the ordinary classroom of the students fixing the timetable to the subject which is going to be reinforced according to the Annual Planning and the methodology set up for each student.
The methodology will be developed taking into account:
- Working with autonomy: The student will carry it out with autonomy in the classroom with the teachers support.
- New learning: a task that the student will do with the teachers of the different subjects or with the TP teacher.
Academic Guidance
- To achieve that the students know, develop and use their intellectual, physical, social and affective abilities constructively for themselves as well as for the other community members.
- To set up the collaboration between teachers and families so that the teaching – learning process and the integral development of the child can be carried about without so many problems.
To strengthen tutoring sessions and guidance counsellor of the school: so that the tutoring session and the guidance counsellor will be efficient if it is necessary that it is carried out periodically at each level and by all of the teachers at school. For this reason at our school Compulsory Secondary Education students in addition of having a weekly tutoring session, they will have a guidance period taught by the guidance counsellor. Here different programmes will be carried out.
Compulsory Secondary Education: First year.
- Adaptation Programme to Compulsory Secondary Education: To make it easier and more comfortable for the students and families the change from Primary Stage into Secondary Stage.
- Educating into Tolerance, Peace and Equality: to make them know and be aware of topics connected with educating for Peace and Human Rights Defence.
- Programme for Educating in Health I (Prevention of Drug Addiction and Sexual Education): To promote health as a precious value for the students, so that habits and costumes for their physical and mental benefits as well as their social and family life are acquired.
Compulsory Secondary Education: Second year.
- Programme for Educating in Health II (Prevention of Drug Addiction and Sexual Education): To promote health as a precious value for the students, so that habits and costumes for their physical and mental benefits as well as their social and family life are acquired.
- Programme for Social Skills: Teaching interactive and social rules so that the students are able to manage their own behaviour, teaching them to make decisions and develop their personalities in a peaceful and healthy way.
Compulsory Secondary Education: Third year.
- Programme for Educating in Health III (Prevention of Drug Addiction and Sexual Education).
- Educating into Tolerance, Peace and Equality: to make them know and be aware of topics connected with educating for Peace and Human Rights Defence.
- Programme for Academic Guidance and Professional Guidance I: To provide the students with strategies to be able to decide about their academic and professional future, mainly using the knowledge of the educational system and their future possibilities, as well as their own features and particular interests.
Compulsory Secondary Education: Fourth year.
- Programme for Academic Guidance and Professional Guidance II: To provide the students with strategies to be able to decide about their academic and professional future, mainly using the knowledge of the educational system and their future possibilities, as well as their own features and particular interests.
- Review of the programme for Educating in Health.